Subtle ways you give away your power and how to reclaim it

– Do people take advantage of you?
– Do you feel unappreciated and undervalued in relationships?
– Do you feel like you’re blocked in love, money, career…?
– Does your heart yearn for something but, you cannot seem to make it happen?
– Do you put others before you do for yourself? (people pleaser)
– Do you have a hard time saying “no”?
– Can you manifest some things easier than others?
– Do you recognize patterns in love, money, health but, can’t seem to get out of it?

These are some of the experiences we have when we subtly give away our innate power. This innate power, we were born with, is waiting for us to align with it to co-create and experience amazing lives for ourselves.

When we stop giving away our power in these subtle ways, we manifest with ease, we are in the flow of life, synchronicity is a natural occurrence…

This video comes from a facebook live feed I recorded.Reclaim your power

I share 7 ways for you to explore how you might be giving away or leaking your power.

I then share 9 ways to reclaim your power and align with the powerful co-creator you are.

:: What would a life of inner peace, effortlessness, ease, and joy feel like for you?

:: What if everyone around you valued, loved and adored you?

:: What could be possible when all the inner blocks are clear?

If you find you have blocks, patterns or beliefs you cannot seem to move through on your own and are ready for support in making a change in your life, I’d be happy to explore what results are possible through doing work together. Find more about my transformational work here.

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