Shame. The paradigm is dissolving. All the feels.

Okay, now… Let me ask you…

* Have you been feeling super challenged lately?
* Has life been handing you more than you feel like you can handle?
* Have you had a recent breakdown (or a few)?
* Does it seem like everything is changing and you’re not sure what to do?

Yep. Same.

Major clearing happening. The paradigm of SHAME is collapsing.

Yesterday morning I was feeling lots of shame. Even felling ashamed sharing I have shame. What a fucking mind virus, eh?

As I have been present with myself and all the discomfort, I see the recent week or so of this upheaval energy moving through, has an underlying theme of shame.

It’s not about what is happening but the underlying spark to fire off shame.

Shame is having another say something about you and you believe it to be true.

• Have you noticed yourself comparing yourself to others?
• Your inner voice saying “you fucked up, you’re doing it wrong, you’re not enough”?
• Or something along those lines?

It’s even more challenging with internet access and social media. All ways we can subtly, subconsciously can be shamed and shame ourselves. Oy vey!

It’s not just the present time. If you carry shame from your past, all of what is happening is to clear it out.

I’m resonating with this clearing due to shame in my system from my past. I was manipulated into believing I should be ashamed of myself (for things done to me).

And because of what I do for a living (healing work), I feel shame for not being through it and 100% “healed”. More useless mind fuckery.

The paradox is … it is EXACTLY why I’m so good at what I do around shifting mindset and alchemizing energy. I get it – all sides of it.

Is shame holding you back?

There’s been a lot of #unfuckyourmind happening over here in these parts. No coincidence I’m running a course called “The Art of Being You” – where all members of the group are being divinely guided to be their fullest expression.

This layer of shame and dissolution of the shame paradigm are a piece of the process of my fullest expression.

Fortunately, I understand what is happening and have the tools and resources to clear out this next layer.

Because, where I’m headed and what I’m aligning with, there is no room for shame. It’s got to go.

Same for you.

For all of us. I mean – we are seeing shame being cleared on a collective and very public level. It is going to impact any of us holding shame. Macro / Micro. Masculine / Feminine.

The best, most effective way is through.

So, as powerful co-creators we are, life manifests in ways to get us to clear out the crevices, face the parts of ourselves we carry but no longer serve who we are.

I see it manifesting in total life upheaval, relationships ending, homes shifting, money collapsing, bodies expressing the misalignment, career / business shifts… Much of which you won’t see coming.

When life seems to be falling apart, it’s not easy to be all “ra ra ra”. But, don’t hide either. You’re only as sick as your secrets. Let it out. Allow the clearing.

Life is FOR you. What is happening is supporting you.

And, I get it, the battle with shame can be a rough one.

Shame is the table top and the legs holding it up are aspects of
– fear of abandonment,
– survival,
– insecurity,
– not-enoughness,
– being wrong…

So, it is not just shame you may be facing. It’s all the things related that placed shame as the guardian.

It’s a lot at once. Major clearing happening. And –> YOU’VE GOT THIS!

What I’ve done to support myself and the release is get down and back to the basics.

:: Make sure I’m in the present moments. Not ruminating in my past or fearing the future.

:: Self care. Which may mean putting things off, others being disappointed…

:: Feel the energy and sensations in my body. Allow them to move through.

:: Paying attention to where my thoughts and self talk are and shift as needed.
(Side note: mantras and such are helpful but not if used to cover up what is underlying. What’s underlying has to be cleared or you’ll keep attracting it)

:: Clear my mind by dumping everything into my journal.

:: Reach out for support when my amygdala is stuck and my nervous system has gotten hijacked.

What do you do to help yourself? 

That’s the thing with shame… it puts people in hiding. Imagine if we all just put it out there? There would be nothing to hide from.

Because I’ll tell you… I know I’m not the only one feeling all this and being challenged. You are not alone.

It’s only what I / you think about what you are seeing and feeling that makes the suffering continue.

I share this today so you know you’re not alone, not broken, not doing it wrong…

:: You can and will be through the other side of this.
:: Take care of you.
:: Don’t let your mind fuck with you.
:: Allow the energy to move however it needs.
:: Reach out for support.

Because on the other side and through the feelings and energy presented, I feel much more my true self, at peace, trusting life, in my heart, creative, connected and available.

At this point, what do you really have to lose?

It is so much more about what is to gain.
Kelly Ann

P.S. UPDATE – group has ended but, is available for self-study.
The next You are the Medicine monthly group membership is opening for November…. Details in this link.

If you haven’t heard about the monthly group, each month a theme is downloaded and the members are guided home, to themselves, where they tap deeply within and remember who they are and what has been there all along

I tune into the energy – like astrology but, with guidance about what to do with the energy present.  I read each members energy through their responses and channel Soul guidance specifically for them.

I have 8 bonus calls available – those 30 minute sessions are FIRE!  We blast through, get to the core, and each leaves feeling clearer, lighter, inspired, and with next steps.

Here is what one member had to say about the groups –

“If you are looking someone to guide you she is it.

I’ve witnessed so much magic for myself and all the others in the group.  The groups are fabulous! So much changes for you in just 4 weeks but like Kell said the more you show up the more you get out of it.

The groups are special, it’s not just Kelly supporting you, it’s the entire group. Lots of love and support!!”
– Steph