What happens when you’re remembering your power

Power. Empowerment.  “Take your power back”… I’ve likely used the language myself.  How I now see it… it is about REMEMBERING your power. 

Like Glynda the good witch said… You’ve had your power all along. 

Through life, we forget, it was pushed away, squashed down, or for some, never really tapped into it. 

Here is what was coming through today…

When you remember your power – boundaries, respect, speaking your truth and such – those whose thumb was holding you down will fight back, gas light you, or walk away. 

If remembering your power is new to you, their response to you may trigger an automatic reflex to drop back into you forgetting. 

I’m writing to remind you… 

:: No one has power over you. 

:: No one can take anything from you that you don’t hand over. 

:: You deserve respect – it all begins with yourself. 

:: Walking away from those who don’t mirror your self respect isn’t as scary as your mind might tell you. 

:: Don’t allow yourself to get caught in drama or the blame game in the power dynamic. 

:: Some people only feel powerful when they are over powering another.

:: What people do is about them.  And, when it impacts you it means there is a match to that experience within you.

In any case, all of what is happening is information FOR YOU to make a choice. 

Sometimes the choices are challenging.

– It will mean the good girl / boy will be uncomfortable. 

– It may mean losing relationships. 

– It will mean saying the hard things. 

– It may mean being with all the feelings you’ve not felt from the past when you forgot or didn’t remember your power.

For some remembering your power is like learning a foreign language.  Drop any expectations you have of yourself for perfectionism.

Remembering your power may look messy, you won’t do it ‘right’ at first, you’ll fumble, stumble and maybe even look like a hot mess.  It is okay. You’ll do better next time.

What is important is to do what you need to in order to walk away from those who don’t honor and see you for who you are.

The ones who do will honor, respect and appreciate you as you find your way. 

When you walk away from those who don’t, more who speak your language will come into your life.  Be patient.  Your Soul is guiding you to ensure you are prepared and available for the levels of love you’re deserving of and ready for.

It begins within.

Your power has been with you all along.  You’re a Divine child of this universe made from Love.

Remember that and life aligns to match and meet you there.