Moving into the Power Paradigm

As we move into the Power Paradigm, all the old beliefs, agreements, and behaviors holding the old in place are collapsing.  It can feel easy to fall back… Lets not allow that to happen.  You are meant for more and better.  Here is a little about why I know such to be true….

Freedom has been a guiding word of mine for many years.  I’ve created my life in such a way that I have freedom in what I do with my time,  what I choose to do, who I choose to do it with.

A large piece of the FREEDOM I’ve created has come from freeing my MIND of constricting, limiting beliefs that have infiltrated my thoughts about life and what I am really capable of – what we are all capable of.

I grew up being told to get into a corporate job, get a pension and I’ll be set for life.  I did that – for many years.  I’m not saying it isn’t a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ thing – just wasn’t for me.

As I worked in those jobs I ALWAYS felt something underlying that I was meant to be doing something more and different – helping people in a greater capacity than I had been.  I also felt it would not be in a traditional way.

As I researched the mental health care path that didn’t fit either. It always felt too rigid and restricting for me.  Again, not ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ – I’ve been supported by some amazing therapists (they have always been a little non-traditional too).

Something within me (Soul) guided me along my journey where I came upon Energy Medicine, Reiki, Holistic Health, Emotional Freedom Technique. I studied with some amazing new thought, consciousness, alternative leaders.  I have taken all I have learned and developed techniques and process that support others in their liberation.

Along that path, I allowed (sometimes kicking, screaming, and crying) the life I thought I was meant to live to dissolve.

  • Long term relationship and engagement ended,
  • I left corporate,
  • sold my home (lived out of suitcases for a bit), and
  • became a full time Entrepreneur (not the traditional 40 hours).

I left everything “secure” and “traditional” to follow my Soul.  It has been a beautiful, amazing and, at times, a nail biting adventure.

What I have come to know is we are WAAAAY more powerful than we’ve been taught, trained, and brainwashed (I know, harsh).

This journey is about REMEMBERING who we really are – a channel for Divine energy and intelligence.  We are co-creators of our lives – not meant to be living by default but, to be a conscious participant in aligning with the desires in our hearts.

We are not given a desire that is not possible to experience. 

It is the old paradigm and programs that we are being guided to forget.  Undoing to BEcome.

It can feel super uncomfortable for the human personality, ego, fear programs as the forgetting and dissolving occurs.

Strangely enough, the discomfort of not allowing the desires to come through is more comfortable for some than allowing one to dive into the unknown path the Soul is guiding toward.  

Would you agree?  That what holds you back from what you REALLY WANT is the unknown?  Losing control? Not being sure what will happen?  (those are fear programs kicking into to keep you limited)

The brain likes to solve problems – so, it seeks allllll the possible ways the unknown path can go wrong.  And what happens?  Those thoughts and energy go to building up more of what you don’t want.

What is happening now is a HUGE SHIFT into the Paradigm of Power.  And with that, all the old is collapsing.  The old behaviors, ways of being, patterns, beliefs, subliminal agreements…. rising up, in your face, and giving you a chance to choose differently.

You are being guided to remember how powerful you are in co-creating MORE of what you WANT in your life. 

Remember how I said the human part gets stirred up?  Well, I totally get it!  I’ve been through the trials, tribulations and discovered the way through.  Kind of like the cliff notes version of ascension and evolution of the Soul LOL.

I was born this way – always discovering the way of ease.  I’ve always been a rebel.  Disrupting systems, questioning the ‘rules’, demanding more for myself.

What about you? Is life reflecting back to you a change you’re ready for?  That you’re meant for more and better?  Maybe you don’t know what that looks like, but you FEEL it, KNOW it, SENSE it.

Just as technology has evolved, so has the human Spirit.  What was working in the past is no longer the updated version.  What you may have once believed is outdated.  Even some spiritual beliefs and energy healing techniques are limiting.  I am and have been busting through it all and bringing my private clients along with me.

As this energy of the Power Paradigm has come in, I’ve been downloading processes, insight, and guidance to bring others through releasing the old.

The online group program is “The Way of the Empowered Empath”.

Grab the link with more info here.

It is a course for Empaths, Sensitives, Healers, Teachers of Consciousness and everyone who knows more is available and they’re ready to CLAIM it and dissolve the subconscious programs that have held them back.

This email has gotten really long… I’ve just let it stream through me.  I am wildly passionate about guiding others to remembering and reclaiming their power, energy, and ability to co-create the life that lies within their hearts.

If you know someone who might be looking for this exact course and guidance, please do share.

We start May 5th with doors opening May 1st.

All my best,
Kelly Ann

Have questions?  Message me at hello at kellyanncory dot com