Do you have a cap on PLEASURE?

A cap on pleasure in life experiences, relationships, having a successful business, your body, sharing your art, being the fullest expression of who you are…
Your pleasure cap, glass ceiling, stop pattern might not be noticeable.

The pleasure cap is a subconscious pattern that when things feel really good, you’re in flow, feeling happy and then boom – something happens and you’re in a heavier, lower vibe state of being, stressed out and distracted.

Some kind of life event, drama or chaos shows up. A diversion from where you were headed now taking all your attention.

It seems really real. But, if you knew what a powerful creator you are, you’d be creating more of what you DO WANT.

For years I didn’t recognize this subconscious pattern I held within. When things would be going really well, some kind of bomb would drop in and bring me back down – off my ‘high horse’.
It all appeared really important life stuff that needed my attention. A relationship needed resolution, money challenges would pop up, my back would go out…
The events didn’t really need my attention.
What needed my attention was this inner cycle of subconscious self-sabotage that would appear when I got too close to pleasure and happiness.
From an early age I learned a behavior to not be TOO HAPPY because something bad would happen when I was happy and having fun.
That learned behavior of stopping my own pleasure and happiness carried through much of my life as a way of self preservation – to not get hurt, feel pain, lose what was good.
I didn’t even know it was a pattern until I became so frustrated at what was happening in my life. 

-The cycle of losing weight to only gain more back.
– Relationships / dating going really well, then not.
– Financial abundance and flow then a full on stop and empty bank account.
Deeply I knew more and better was available but, I couldn’t seem to get past the glass ceiling. The stop point just became a way of being that I learned a behavior to work around.
I thought this was just how life was. It is NOT.
I was subconsciously running this stop pattern and sabotaging my own pleasure and happiness from subliminal fear of what could happen. A learned response to protect me from pain of too much pleasure.
Once identified and cleared, the pattern no longer held me back. I could manifest, attract, and allow more of what I wanted into my life – and it remained in my life.
Take a look for yourself at when life seems to take a down hill turn for you. What was happening for you prior? Where were you headed?
This happens in –
: Relationships – things going so great then, a fight will break out. Or, being single, you decide to get out and start dating again and you get sick.
: Health routine – on a good stride then, you fall off the wagon.
: Money – making good bank then, some high priced necessary expense comes up.

Getting to the core of the pattern / pleasure cap is key to getting up and over the hill and keep going. To allow yourself full out happiness and pleasure.

It is not that you aren’t doing the right things to get you headed in the direction you say you want to be… it might be that you have a cap on pleasure.
So, if you’re doing all the things but, can’t seem to be and experience what you know is possible, you likely have a pleasure cap pattern within.
Your system is ready for a defrag – clear out what no longer serves you. In fact, a pleasure cap, likely the very thing in your way of what you say you want.
Nothing outside you can resolve this. It starts within.
You, your life, is very much worth your time and attention. Because if the desire is within you, it is possible.
Are you ready to explore and clear YOUR pleasure cap?
Once a pattern is identified, the clearing affects ALL areas of your life.
I worked with a client looking for LOVE. I identified core belief she held about who she was. She would attract dates but, never ideal matches.
When I read her energy and cleared the vibration she was giving out and operating from, she attracted more dates that matched who she was looking for.
She is now married.
She also hit 6 figures in her biz that year and became an International speaker.
You are meant for pleasure and to experience the dreams in your heart. Are you ready to clear what is in your way?
Once the cap, pattern, vibration is cleared, the ‘work’ gets to be about CREATION.
I currently have space for 3 private clients. You are one of them if you know more is possible and available and you’re ready and willing to do what it takes to move through the invisible limitations and co-create more of what your heart and Soul desires.
Whether it be love, money, health, business… once the core limitation is cleared, so much opens and becomes available. Like taking a boulder out of the way of a flowing stream. Flow!
Message me here. I’ll send you the details and ensure we’re a good fit for this transformative energy work.