Are you really choosing?

When you REALLY choose for yourself, what has kept you from allowing what you desire, will rise to the surface.

What rises up will show you what is not in alignment with what you say you want for yourself.

You can have it all.

And you may need to let go of some things that are not a match to your desires.

While you can have it all, you will have to let go of –

  • what others might think about you as you’re making choices for yourself they can’t and won’t make for themselves.
  • needing to know if it’s going to work out or not before you take the chance.
  • what distracts you from your path and journey.
  • not believing in yourself.
  • the people pleaser, victim, child, prostitute from within you.
  • of giving your power to anything or anyone outside of yourself.

Choice is your Super Power.

Your choice will obliterate what is not aligned.

Really choose what you say you want for yourself.

Choose to keep moving forward – even in the discomfort or fear.

Choose to do the inner work required to move the energy and consciousness through you.

Definitely take emotions out of it. The stories you tell yourself about what is happening come from unresolved emotions, attachments, fears, ego…

Choose to take the actions you are guided to take – as scary or as out of your comfort zone they are, and even when the step / action  doesn’t make sense.

What is through and on the other side is a greater payoff than holding yourself back in the above ways.