Are your BOUNDARIES being pushed, tested, violated?

That is so much of what is happening in the energy and what is up for transmuting collectively.

Take an empowered glance for yourself at what is happening… 

Is the underlying piece about boundaries?

Yes? Why?

Because you’re being guided into the POWER paradigm. 

Therefore, anything unlike it (empowerment) will rise up.

This isn’t about shaming or blaming any part of you that played the victim. 

It is about being offered the option of where you choose to put your attention, shift a belief, build the energy.

A lot of the old paradigm is collapsing.  You’re clearing out the inner pieces you have of it.

The perpetrators are also being called forth and the bright light being shined there. 

Try this one on for size…. In the name of Radical Responsibility –

  • Everyone is playing their part (until you don’t need them to any more).
  • If someone is crossing, violating, pushing your boundaries, something is being called forth FOR YOU.
  • To be a victim, there has to be a perpetrator (you can sometimes be doing it to yourself).
  • And for there to be a perpetrator there has to be a victim.


What if each party shifted their focus, did their collective healing, owned their piece of the experience and exchanges?

First, it would take Radical Responsibility to look honestly within –

:: How you’re feeling about what is happening?

:: What is being reflected back to you in life? 

:: What is your piece?

Are you playing out any victim energy? Are you the perpetrator?

This ENTIRE paradigm is collapsing. 

I am seeing  it happen in all kinds of ways.

I share this so you know what and why things are happening and how to move THROUGH them and into where you’re being led.

There is a burning off, opening up, celebrating, setting free…

And what is left is LOVE. 

And that, my friends, is what is happening…

In the story of experiences playing out in your life, where boundaries are the underlying theme, it is about you being pointed toward remembering LOVE (and all that is encompassed).

You are Love.

Be grateful (as hard as it can be sometimes) for the people and experiences guiding you to REMEMBER.

Kelly Ann


By the way, The Way of the Empowered Empath course is ready to be birthed.

I’m watching the energy come together and create a vortex.

If you’re meant to be a part of it you’ll feel the attraction and energetic invitation.

It’s a vibratory grid and sacred space of upleveling beyond what words could even convey.

You’ll feel it.

Once it’s typed up, I’ll post here

I’m excited to get another group going.

Message me if you’d like a direct message with the details.

In the meantime, love yo’self UP!