You are the Medicine

The monthly membership sacred secret group is officially open. The message of this new energy medicine is for me to be the channel for it inside a sacred, closed space for only those with the interest, availability, and capacity integrate the transmission and allow the energy to channel through them. Details can be found here. I… Continue reading You are the Medicine

Categorized as Courses

You’ve had it all along…

You may not be Dorothy in the middle of Oz wearing ruby slippers clicking your heels and making wishes but… You have had the power all along. In my last blog, I wrote about the Grand Purge and all that was being churned up for healing, releasing, and transmuting and the opportunities available for you to… Continue reading You’ve had it all along…

The Way of the Empowered Empath

This course is for the Empaths, Sensitives, Healers and Teachers of Consciousness… Can you feel the shifts happening within and around you?  As we are moving into the Power Paradigm, a huge shift is dissolving the: roles, contracts, beliefs, patterns, cycles you’ve been playing out, living and interacting with. * You feel it in your… Continue reading The Way of the Empowered Empath

Categorized as Courses