When you get close to your next level thing…

 Whatever your thing is… …5D, 7D, 12D, Romantic partnership, Health, More money, Sharing your voice / message / art, or Consciously manifest ________… You get stuck, self sabotage, can’t move forward, distractions and fears pop up, you’re immobilized… Does this happen for you? Look within – Is your ego focused on what is being lost… Continue reading When you get close to your next level thing…

Soul Integration and Emotional Alchemy

Has it been a rough ride for a bit? Want to set yourself free?   :: Feel your feelings. :: Drop the stories. :: Tune into the sensations. :: Love what arises.   I know easier said than done.   Your smallness, fears and limitations fight back hard to hold on.   They even blur… Continue reading Soul Integration and Emotional Alchemy

Does this happen to you when you go through shifts and upgrades? 

When you’re receiving heavy duty downloads and upgrades, many shifts in your life can occur.     It can look like: People triggers – you triggering them, them triggering you. Relationship challenges. Old wounds rising up. Fear patterns playing out. Buried beliefs being mirrored back in real time. Self imposed limitations becoming tighter than those… Continue reading Does this happen to you when you go through shifts and upgrades?