You cannot live a SuperHuman life (5D and above) while you have fear and limitation programming running in the background (3D and below).
What is a SuperHuman life?
✌️Living your fullest expression,
✌️Allowing your Wild Genius and Natural gifts to be free,
✌️Listening to your gut and intuition AND following through – even when it doesn’t make sense to the mind,
✌️Unhooking from the spiritual golden carrots and tuning in to what is real and RIGHT for YOU…
So what? What is it all good for?
Well…All the things you desire to experience – the LOVE, Money, Booming Business, Healthy Body, Freedom… – ALL begin within.
Within YOU. You, the SuperHuman.
You see, part of the programming and conditioning has been to train you to look OUTSIDE yourself for attainment, value and worthiness.
Essentially detaching you from the essence you are.
You were taught, from a young age, that what made you a valuable human BEing was the popularity, a hot body, cars, homes, the relationship, money…
All of that is TOTALLY possible and AVAILABLE to you. It is your Divine right. But, it is NOT who you are.
When you have the courage to unhook, trust yourself, and allow consciousness to move through you, your life becomes a mystical masterpiece for you to craft.
If you’ve gotten this far, you get what I am saying and it is likely tingling something within you.

For others, the programming and conditioning already judged this as ‘woo woo’ and kept scrolling.
Not you. YOU know more is possible and available.
Join me for Embodied Mastery.
This is next level one on one mentoring where I’ll be your Guide for 6 weeks to clearing away the programming, conditioning, and limitations keeping you from allowing the life and experience your heart and soul crave.
Breaking free is what stirs up the fear and limitations programmed within to keep you in line and contained. It is what keeps you going back into cycles and patterns you haven’t been able to break free from.
If your heart and Soul are craving to be set free and your being is ready to be held in sacred space as you courageously explore your inner landscape, this course is for you.
There is so much more than can be said about what happens in working with me. It barely can be put to words.
I channel an energy of change and transformation. When you step inside a container with me, the fields, grids, energies, and consciousness converges.
- I can read your coding.
- I see where your limited programming lies.
- I see your conditioning and what it will take to unhook.
But, most importantly – it is about YOU and what is available to you.
This is not a canned course that everyone gets. It is a custom-designed unfolding for YOU. Channeled guidance, energy clearings, and activations specifically for the shifts and changes you are ready for.
I am holding space for 6 people to participate. This is a high touch, high-value support.
We begin Friday, September 13th and together for 6 weeks.
You’ll be inside a sacred container where alchemy naturally occurs.
You’ll have weekly 30 minute calls and 24/7 access to me and all my gifts for your use (energy clearing, activations, intuitive readings…).
When we are through,
- you’ll have clarity on YOUR dreams, desires, mission, message, vision – because all the “shoulds and have to’s” will be cleared,
- you’ll have an understanding and feel comfortable in owning your gifts, genius, and extra senses, within you,
- the hidden fears and limiting thought patterns will be cleared; upgraded consciousness in its place,
- you’ll have the inspiration and motivation to take the forward steps in being your full expression – through your art, message, healing, and simply BEING YOU.
Investment for this level is $1,997.
The next level option includes all of the above PLUS a two-night sacred ceremony in CT for the Fall Equinox energy – September 20-22.
This option is $2,600.
Message me to apply or ask your questions. No pressure at all; it is about making sure this is a fit for each of us.