When the relationships are chaotic…

Chaos in relationships is designed to bring you back to LOVE.

Back to love to –

:: drop the walls around your heart (so you can let in what you really desire).

:: create strong boundaries and stand up for yourself (and stop taking shitty behavior).

:: get clear on what you will allow or not allow (stop settling. you’re getting exactly what you are aligned with).

:: release the false beliefs you hold about yourself (not enough, not worthy, not chosen).

The emotional response you have is your indicator something is out of alignment with who you really are – LOVE.

The chaos is reflecting back to you what you can’t see for yourself.

Don’t blame the other. When you do, you give your power away to them. Only you have the power to choose how you feel. No.Matter.What.

Clear the chaos…
* Take 100% responsibility for your response and what is happening – you called this into your life.
* Go within and ask yourself what meaning you’ve made about what happened.
* Heal the inner wound(s) attracting these experiences. The chaos comes to clear.
* Get clear about what you really want for yourself in relationships and fiercely choose it. (this is where many get stuck and allow default relationships)
* Be sure you are treating yourself the way you’d want another to treat you.