Does mindfuckery get in your way?

Does this happen to you? 

– When you know you have a choice to make,
– When you know you want to experience something different,
– When you know you want to take the action,
– When you know you want to pivot your path…

But, you don’t.

:: You stop yourself; paralyzed with fear.
:: You try and figure out how it’ll work out.
:: You see all the ways it won’t work out.
:: You hold yourself back worried what others will say and think.


That mindfuckery, confusion, with all the stories of why you aren’t good enough, what bad can happen, and how it won’t work out start deeper than your mindset.

They begin at your nervous system and deeper… 

They begin where unresolved pain, emotions, trauma, betrayal are stored in your mind, body, and energy.

So, if your nervous system is already overloaded,  adding another choice, option or change could send off alerts.

Even when it is the very thing you say you want for yourself!

Yes, you get in the way because your system doesn’t feel safe or perceives your choice as dangerous.

The great news – What you want to experience is available simple because you desire it.  

And when you aren’t living what you desire, it doesn’t feel great.  That is your signal there is a GRANDER part of you that knows it is possible and YOU are getting in your own way.

There is a way through and with ease. 

It begins with awareness then choice.

Watch this replay to gain an awareness of what may be operating under the surface for you.

Does MindFuckery get in the way of you having clarity on your choices?

Does it have you stuck in fear of making the decisions you need to make?

How to allow clarity to come to the surface and feel empowered in your choices – even when you’re still afraid or can’t see the full picture.