Beyond Your Edge

Are you questioning EVERYTHING?

Questioning your business, your relationships, where you live, your body, money, WTF you’re doing in your life…? ?

Are you ready to give up, throw in the towel and just quit it all?  

Are you wondering if you’re doing it ‘right’ and where the hell you’re headed?

Are all your fears, self-doubt, insecurity rising to the surface?

Excellent.  {rubbing my hands together with a grin on my face – I love this space!}

You are right in line and on time.

  • Time to go beyond your edge.
  • Time to leap into the experiences you say you want for yourself.
  • Time to allow the expression of who you are to be set free.
  • Time to make the transitions you’ve been holding off out of fear, doubt, insecurity.
  • Time to allow your desires to come into form.

This also means the old has to die off.

The die off isn’t easy.  It’s squirmy and uncomfortable.

I’ve let myself die off every time I’ve been brought to my edge and leapt into the unknown.

From there I have always built better and created new.  

At times it felt like I might never make it through because that is what dissolution of limitations feels like – death.

Death of fear, ego, insecurity, self doubt… All the stuff that held back who I really am and this life I desire to be living.

My desires are my guide.  

The Universe, God, Source is my GPS coming through my intuition and guiding me as I leapt into the unknown.

There is no way around the unknown or being able to control how the journey unfolds.  

Yet, there is a way to navigate through the leaps and transitions feeling empowered.

SO many times it would have been easier to shrink back and settle into what I knew, into what felt safe and secure.  The relationship, the corporate career, the big house…

But, that is not how I am built.

Have you ever seen a chrysalis try to remain in its goo state?  You know, the transition space right before it becomes a butterfly.

It is nearly impossible to not become the butterfly.

The same thing with your expansion, growth and ascension.  It is happening regardless.

If you’re questioning anything or everything, you’re in the goo state.  Not really knowing what is next, the unknown is freaking you out, the dismantling of who you are is happening…

You’re being brought beyond your edge.  

The edge is where many turn back.  

  • The discomfort of the unknown feels too much.  
  • The feeling of loss of control too unstable.  
  • The fears that rise up, too much to face.  

And, you’re exactly in the right place.  

This is not a time to turn back.  

How many years have you been turning back?  How much longer are you going to put off what you truly desire for yourself?

What do you do?

-Run toward or away from what you want?

– Blind yourself to seeing the gifts in front of you?

– Make the same choices as you have in the past?

– Choose what your mind / ego knows or follow your heart and Soul?

THIS.IS.THE.TIME you’ve been moving and growing toward.

Don’t give up now!

It is up to you to choose differently. To not allow the fears, conditioned limitations, current status quo to stop you.

It is time to go BEYOND YOUR EDGE.  Time to take the leap and make the transition to where your Soul has been leading you.

Let me tell you … If I didn’t have the support and Guides leading the way, reminding me who I am, and holding my hand as I leapt beyond on my journey, I know I would not be where I am today.

And I am so glad I went through the hard parts to get myself where I am today.  

I am doing work I love with amazing people, I have close friends all over the world, I am free from debilitating anxiety, depression and trauma triggers, I have the freedom in my days I always wanted…

Beyond Your Edge is a six week accelerated one on one private mentoring course for those who know a next step is what is necessary.  You know there is something in your way and you can’t put your finger on it.

We’ll begin with me identifying your biggest hidden block and transmuting the root cause and the energy holding it in place.  From there unveiling the clarity of your desires and taking the bold next steps you know you’ve needed to take. We continue on with fierce creation and doing the damn things.

This is a highly intensive, high touch, intimate course for those who are ready for the change they’ve been holding off.

Your investment for this private, one on one mentoring course is $1,997.

Full pay bonus: One month free inside my membership group “Mind Mastery: Unfuckyourmind. Your Grand Awakening“. Payment plans are also available.

If this feels like you, message me to apply for your space and we’ll discuss the details and ensure this course is a good fit.

Because of the energy and attention this course provides, there are only five spaces available and doors to this offer close June 30th (or when the spaces are filled).