Do you believe change has to take a long time?

This client went from stuck at SINGLE for a long while to 2 dates in one week – in less than an hour.

When you get to the core of what is malfunctioning, EVERYTHING can shift.

Here’s the millions dollar question…

Will you allow the shift? 😉

In this session, I did some heart healing with this beautiful soul. Spirit showed me a prominent relationship from her past that left some wounds.

I focused the heart healing within her and between them. She could see how that pattern continued in relationships that followed. She had been single for a while and quite frustrated.

When we have these open wounds, we tend to do all we can to keep the wound from being poked. That includes keeping the love we really want at arms length away from us – unconsciously and energetically.

It was a beautiful and gentle process where she felt a shift and changed the story about her experience. And then was asked out on two dates

When we shift the energy within and are able to see our story differently, our experience shifts.

I feel so honored to do this sacred work with beautiful people who are totally ready to shift what’s in their way of having the love and life they desire.