How resentment holds you back and down

Resentment is the righteous cousin of the victim. 
Resentment is a belief that someone has wronged you and you need to be right about it. 
Holding onto resentment is like holding a hot stone and blaming another for your pain. 
Sure, shitty stuff happens but, holding onto resentment toward another gives your power to them. 
No one else is responsible for your feelings. 
What you can and have the power to do is take a look at what the circumstances are reflecting back to you about your beliefs. 

Resentment is a mere signal from your Soul that YOU are allowing something to happen that is not aligned with what is real, right, and true for you. 

Is somebody treating you poorly, taking advantage of you, disrespecting you….? 
Well, you’re allowing it. 
The person is not in your life any longer and their name and how they’ve done you wrong still rolling from your lips? 
Victim. Giving away your power. Allowing your energy to leak. 
The feelings that trigger resentment are signals from Soul to spark a shift, speak up, make the necessary changes to come back to your truth. 
It is not for you to hold onto. 

You teach people how to treat you and attract people into your life to mirror back your beliefs. 

These circumstances and people that trigger you are a gift to help you see a belief you can’t see for yourself. A belief that doesn’t serve you. 
You’re being signaled. A change is necessary. 
Holding onto resentment only burns you and it gets hotter until you do something about it.
Are you ready to let go of resentment? 
– Thank the person (silently) for showing you what you couldn’t see for yourself. 
– Forgive them and yourself. 
– Make the changes in your beliefs the resentment triggered. 
Then watch ALL areas of your life shift. 
Because core beliefs affect EVERYTHING. The resentment was simply a signal you’re out of alignment.  
Are you ready to break the patterns you have in money, relationship and health?
Do you want to pluck out the root of the core beliefs manifesting and attracting the shitty circumstances?
Many of your core beliefs have been passed down from other. Or you’ve been pained and created a belief to protect you from being hurt again.
Your subconscious holds these beliefs tightly.  You are blind to them because they’ve become automatic operating mechanisms. It is how you’ve learned to move about life. 
But, BUT! if you’re feeling resentful, frustrated, angry…. And not taking action to shift and change…?
You are getting in your own way. 
Are you ready to get out of the way? 
My super power is reading energy and identifying core beliefs that keep you from aligning, doing and feeling what you deeply know is possible and available to you. 
I will guide you out of your own way. I’ll identify and clear the beliefs and energy stopping you up. 
From that space – old blocks and beliefs cleared and what you ’ve been working so hard toward but haven’t quite gotten there comes into alignment.
The business, money, health, relationship… It all starts within. 
I have 2 spaces for private one on one work. A good match for this work is one who knows more and better is available, knows it begins within, and is ready to do the things necessary to get out of the way and allow the life that wants to make its way through to you. 
How do you know? It’s in your dreams and desires.
You’re not given a dream or desire that isn’t possible. 
Now that you know, what will you choose?