Are you a free-thinker?
Are you willing to stand in your own truth – even when everyone around you believes differently?
Do you have your own back? No matter what?
“Would you jump off a bridge if someone told you to?”
As a child, that was a lesson and guidance I was taught in the power of choice.
:: To choose for myself.
:: To NOT go along with the crowd.
:: To pave my own way.
:: To trust myself.
:: To do me, my way.
To some, who doesn’t think for themselves, this is disruptive.
If someone wants to jump off a bridge, that’s their choice.
If I want to jump off a bridge, that’s MY choice.
If I DON’T want to jump off a bridge, that’s my choice.
In either choice, it’s mine to make.
Your choice is yours to make.
No one has to agree for your voice and choice to matter to YOU.
There is a lot of wild stuff happening in the world right now.
Your greatest power is your connection with yourself and the choices you make FOR YOU.
Do no harm.
Especially to yourself.
When you choose against what is real and right for you, you’re giving away your rights and power.
It will catch up with your body, mind, energy, and soul.
If your choices make another uncomfortable, that’s for them. That is their system indicating they might not be fully aligned with their personal choices.
Lead the way by walking your talk. It is incredibly easy to blend in with the herd.
Not you.
You’re here to birth a new reality, a new paradigm. You’re here to disrupt the broken system and lead a new way.
It begins with your choices.
Are you choosing for you?
Or are you choosing what is comfortable?