Create your own fireworks

No matter how explosive, powerful, or passionate another persons love for you is, it can never substitute the experience of loving yourself. Develop the love you desire for yourself and begin to notice what is reflected back to you. This applies to both those single and attached!

8 strategies to shift into happy

After spending many years overweight, depressed, in unsatisfying jobs, emotionally abusive relationships, and with thoughts that would not have me here today writing to you, I knew SOMETHING needed to change. It didn’t happen over night, but I knew how I was experiencing my life didn’t feel good. We all have choices. The choices we… Continue reading 8 strategies to shift into happy

5 Sacred Steps to Help you Heal after a Breakup

Breakups are hard. Whether it ended in a huge fight, betrayal or a mutual agreement to part ways, your heart feels it. You’ve spent time with each other, let them into your life, your world, and now they’re no longer there. You know it’s time to move on; there is a natural grieving process regardless… Continue reading 5 Sacred Steps to Help you Heal after a Breakup