As we move into the Power Paradigm, all the old beliefs, agreements, and behaviors holding the old in place are collapsing. It can feel easy to fall back… Lets not allow that to happen. You are meant for more and better. Here is a little about why I know such to be true…. Freedom has… Continue reading Moving into the Power Paradigm
Category: Energy and Alchemy
Are your BOUNDARIES being pushed, tested, violated?
That is so much of what is happening in the energy and what is up for transmuting collectively. Take an empowered glance for yourself at what is happening… Is the underlying piece about boundaries? Yes? Why? Because you’re being guided into the POWER paradigm. Therefore, anything unlike it (empowerment) will rise up. This isn’t about… Continue reading Are your BOUNDARIES being pushed, tested, violated?
You are the Medicine
To the ones who refuse to conform – the trap door has been opened, the chains unlocked from your wrists and ankles. You can feel the opening and the fresh air coming in. Maybe the light is too bright? So much flowing into you, you’re not sure what step to take next. It… Continue reading You are the Medicine
Empaths and Energy Sensitives… Things are shifting in the way you’ve been operating
If you’ve been accustomed to taking on others energy and processing it for them – that must come to an end. Like, STAT. Here’s the deal… First, the world needs you in all your POWER and sharing all your gifts, skills, talent, magic FULLY. Oh, I know you’re pretty effin phenomenal… Continue reading Empaths and Energy Sensitives… Things are shifting in the way you’ve been operating
You are the Alchemist
What has happened in your past were the initiations to remembering your divinity, light, power, brilliance. Don’t look too much as what happened or what is happening as it falls away. Keep focused on what you’re creating and birthing into. All of the past gave you the insight, knowledge and tools… Continue reading You are the Alchemist
Emotions are energy in motion.
Stagnant emotions cause physical, energetic, spiritual, and emotional stagnancy in your vibration. You gotta feel it to heal it. And I’m not talking about the mind fuck that occurs when stories are running rampant through your mind and you are talking at nauseam about whatever has triggered the emotion. (I know that all too well).… Continue reading Emotions are energy in motion.
Feelings are neutral
Some feelings *feel* better (happy) than others (sad). It’s when you make them “wrong or bad” that creates more discomfort. Or when you tell yourself you should not feel this way or you should feel this other way. It boils down to energy. Feelings are energy in motion = emotion. … Continue reading Feelings are neutral
Soul Integration and Emotional Alchemy
Has it been a rough ride for a bit? Want to set yourself free? :: Feel your feelings. :: Drop the stories. :: Tune into the sensations. :: Love what arises. I know easier said than done. Your smallness, fears and limitations fight back hard to hold on. They even blur… Continue reading Soul Integration and Emotional Alchemy
Are you tired of ‘BEHAVING’?
Do you feel like telling everyone AND the world to “Fuck off”? Are you done with holding yourself back, playing nice, and keeping quiet so others won’t be triggered? Have you had enough of melding around others schedules, needs and desires who have no regards for yours? Are you beginning to… Continue reading Are you tired of ‘BEHAVING’?
Another Level of Integration
Are you feeling ok? Have any emotions bubbling up? Is your body speaking to you? As I tune into the collective energy I see many going through an experience I’d call an “adjustment“. Kind of like going to a chiropractor. Some are pretty fierce; others are gentle but powerful. A huge part… Continue reading Another Level of Integration