Relationship Triggers, Mirrors… and what its all for

I did a live transmission on Facebook with my friend Jordan at his space – Heaven on Earth Healing Center – in Southington, Connecticut.  You can watch the replay here or click the picture. We had a conversation about Triggers, Mirrors, and the opportunities for growth, evolution, and healing life is presenting through them. We’re in profound energy… Take advantage of the opportunity!… Continue reading Relationship Triggers, Mirrors… and what its all for

Have you had static in your interactions with others?

Before you get your panties in a bunch, make sure you aren’t responding from a wound, insecurity, projection… Your response is your responsibility. The energy making it’s way through will poke at your relationships. You may get a little zap. Don’t get tangled up in it. Be aware to not take things personally. It may… Continue reading Have you had static in your interactions with others?

Are you willing to let yourself break?

Are you willing to let yourself break to become? Here is a link to a video on the topic. Yesterday I was asked to reflect on the question “How has your work evolved over the years?” As I reflected, what immediately arose is the evolution comes from the depths I have been willing to go… Continue reading Are you willing to let yourself break?

Soul Aligned Living – group course

I hate bursting a clients ‘dream balloon’.    Hear me out…  I absolutely believe if your beliefs are aligned with your desires, all is possible. What I am talking about here is the ‘dream’ that has become a distraction from remembering your truth. The ‘dream’ you were taught – “When you attain this thing outside… Continue reading Soul Aligned Living – group course

Heart wide open

Raw, naked, vulnerable…  Like I was breathing in and out directly from my heart. My tender heart sitting there wide open. Things no longer there to protect it. Protection that once had a purpose but, now a barrier. I get why. And why others would do the same. Walking around this wide open is not… Continue reading Heart wide open

Are your BOUNDARIES being pushed, tested, violated?

That is so much of what is happening in the energy and what is up for transmuting collectively. Take an empowered glance for yourself at what is happening…  Is the underlying piece about boundaries? Yes? Why? Because you’re being guided into the POWER paradigm.  Therefore, anything unlike it (empowerment) will rise up. This isn’t about… Continue reading Are your BOUNDARIES being pushed, tested, violated?

Mindset and Relationships – You are the Creator

Below I share a personal experience about Relationships, Manifesting and Empowerment. But, first I want to give you some background on what the Current Energies are. {and I posted another angle to the energies on my page last night – check it. Can you see how it’s playing out for you?} In the coming days… Continue reading Mindset and Relationships – You are the Creator