I hosted a private gathering this past weekend. The invitation was to go deeper within the self, connect with the heart – radical self-love. Because the world you perceive and experience around you is a materialization of what is within you. The conditioning, the programming, the mechanisms of survival, the behaviors to avoid pain, the… Continue reading Life will meet you where you are
Does your mind keep going? Brain won’t shut off?
Do you lay down for bed at night and it’s like someone turned on the lights in your head and its ‘go time’? Thoughts running through about the day, the week, the world, your life, business, money, relationships… Or do you leave a conversation with someone and go over the whole thing again and again in your mind? Overanalyzing what… Continue reading Does your mind keep going? Brain won’t shut off?
Is it your MIND and GUT that gets in the way?
What would it feel like for you to have more energy and vibrancy in your life? What if you could decrease the excess thoughts, anxiety, and mindfuckery going through your mind? Would you like to feel more balanced in your feelings and emotions? Is better digestion and regular elimination something you’d like to have? Imagine – how would you feel? And, what if the bonus to all… Continue reading Is it your MIND and GUT that gets in the way?
Reboot at a cellular level
Do you have cravings that are out of control? Has your digestion been slow? Are you bloated and gassy? Achy? Pains? Monkey mind? Each of these above symptoms (and more) have been resolved with those who have gone through the UnF*ck Your System Cleanse. It is a holistic approach – detoxing your MIND, BODY, ENERGY,… Continue reading Reboot at a cellular level
Are Parasites the Culprit?
Do you have any of these? ~ Sugar cravings, ravenous appetite ~ Excess weight ~ Mood changes, depression, grumpiness, nervousness, irritability ~ Abdominal pain, gas/bloating, ~ Constipation, diarrhea, or other symptoms of IBS ~ Persistent digestive problems ~ Headaches, migraines ~ Fatigue, exhaustion ~ Trouble falling asleep, or you wake up multiple times during… Continue reading Are Parasites the Culprit?
Are you really happy?
If your career, bank account, relationship status, body shape, social media account numbers, monthly sales, and where you live are… …measures of your happiness, you are hooked into the matrix and mind programs. If one or all of these things go away (because they can) how do you treat and think about yourself?… Continue reading Are you really happy?
A cleanse, detox, and reset for your Mind, Body, & Energy
Have you been feeling sluggish? Do you feel like you don’t have the energy you need? Have you been trying to release weight but, it is just not happening? Has your digestion been slow? Are you bloated and gassy? Do you have cravings that are out of control? These are some signs and symptoms your… Continue reading A cleanse, detox, and reset for your Mind, Body, & Energy
Moody, Mind Fog & F*ckery, and Midsection Spare Tire?
It may be time to UnF*ck Your System. Have you created some habits during quarantine that you’d like to make different choices about? I did. I wasn’t really eating meals, I was quickly eating at my counter, lots of bean chips, peanut butter filled pretzels, eating late and sometimes too much…While I don’t label foods… Continue reading Moody, Mind Fog & F*ckery, and Midsection Spare Tire?
Are you really choosing?
When you REALLY choose for yourself, what has kept you from allowing what you desire, will rise to the surface. What rises up will show you what is not in alignment with what you say you want for yourself. You can have it all. And you may need to let go of some things that… Continue reading Are you really choosing?
Is it time for you to step up and in?
I’m just back from the dentist where I requested they take my temperature from my wrist vs pointing a laser at my head . (Otherwise, I was not coming). Are you refraining from showing up and acting on what you believe because you are afraid of what someone might think or say to you about the… Continue reading Is it time for you to step up and in?