The Online Store

Here is a link to my online store with all the current offerings. Offerings such as – meditations, at home self study courses, group courses, consultations, intuitive readings – by email, private mentorship. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter (to your right) to receive up to date information on courses and events.

How survival mechanisms work

Fuck the spiritual bypassers. Fuck the law of attraction gas lighters. If you’ve had life events that have jacked your nervous system and created a mechanism to survive, you’re like a feral cat. ⁣⁣When the things you want come close to you but, triggers feelings of unsafety and vulnerability, you’re going to arch your back… Continue reading How survival mechanisms work

It’s not them, it’s you.

Do you know when you come across a mentor, coach, or healer and it’s like they are speaking directly to you? Your choice to work with them isn’t 100% about THEM being a match for you. Is much more about are YOU going to show up for YOU? No one else can do the work… Continue reading It’s not them, it’s you.

Does Past Pain and Trauma Keep You Trapped?

Inside this video, I speak about three 🔥🔥🔥 underlying factors at play keeping you from getting over the hump, past your pain, and, healing your body and mind. Those who watched it live received shifts, inspiration, and motivation. I’d love to hear what you receive from this transmission.

Illuminated – New Group Course

Shine the light on your subconscious. Liberate yourself from the beliefs, fears, and patterns that confine your brilliance, essence, and light from shining through. Release your patterns and cycles of emotional ups and downs and feel emotionally empowered. Release trapped energy – causing physical and emotional discord so you can feel lighter, pain-free, inspired, get… Continue reading Illuminated – New Group Course


Illuminated: Shine the light on your subconscious and make the unconscious, conscious.   Release your patterns and cycles of emotional ups and downs and feel emotionally empowered. Release trapped energy – causing physical and emotional discord so you can feel lighter, pain-free, inspired, get your creativity back your nervous system.   Create shifts in your mind, body,… Continue reading Illuminated

Becoming a manifestation magnet…

Are there background fear tapes running and old beliefs scripts you haven’t been able to rewrite?  Are you are ready to change them and your life?  Identifying and clearing the subconscious blocks and beliefs is my jam. THEN it becomes about Unveiling the TRUTH of who you are. Message me your questions about how Unveiled will create immediate shifts and make… Continue reading Becoming a manifestation magnet…

Is there a dream inside you not being lived out?

Are you living your life for you or for someone else? For many years I lived the “American Dream” – corporate job, car, house, vacations, engagement. I had all the things and wondered “is this it??” It was like I climbed a mountain for hours, finally reached a peak and there was no view. WTF?!?… Continue reading Is there a dream inside you not being lived out?

Has all the ‘doing’ brought you off your center?

When you decided to start your business, did you also decide you would spend all your time working?  Do you believe in order to succeed, it has to be hard?   Is there a voice in your ear whispering “who are you to have it easy?” YOU are. Because you chose to.  Everything that is happening… Continue reading Has all the ‘doing’ brought you off your center?