Your crazy is what they seek

Your brand of crazy is exactly what your clients are looking for. {Why it’s been hard to attract ideal clients and the simple shift to click in} There are plenty of love, light, boss babes out there. Your level of spice, energy, truth is what your ideal client is seeking. Who you are you can’t… Continue reading Your crazy is what they seek

How to allow your Wild Genius and Natural Gifts to flow through

Are you living life IN RESPONSE to what is happening or are you relaxing into flow and ALLOWING life to come to and through you? Things are about to change – drastically. 🔥 {How Empathic Entrepreneurs and Sensitive Leaders can allow their Wild Genius and Natural Gifts to channel through by becoming comfortable with the… Continue reading How to allow your Wild Genius and Natural Gifts to flow through


// Have you done all the things and still not having the results you desire? // It doesn’t matter if it’s about attracting LOVE, making more MONEY, transitioning into your own BUSINESS, finally sharing your ART, or releasing excess WEIGHT… If you have an underlying commitment to remain where you are or a shadow aspect… Continue reading THE SOLUTION TO YOUR STRUGGLE IS NOT TO DO MORE.

There is a YOU already living your dreams.

When you release the barriers – control, expectations, negative thought patterns – you become available for quick shifts in your reality. Many say they want quantum leaps but, they’re not ready or available to let go of what currently is. What’s happening for you now is a choice – on some level. 💰 When I… Continue reading There is a YOU already living your dreams.

Are you feeling like you want to give up, throw in the towel and just quit it all?

You are right in line and on time. 💪Time to go beyond your edge. 🦸‍♀️Time to leap into the experiences you say you want for yourself. 🗣Time to allow the expression of who you are to be set free. 🦋Time to make the transitions you’ve been holding off out of fear, doubt, insecurity. 💫Time to… Continue reading Are you feeling like you want to give up, throw in the towel and just quit it all?

Are you willing to surrender to the PURGE?

The purge of your pains, limitations and fears. Current circumstances are a bit fiery now 🔥🔥🔥, eh? Fired up and intense to show you what you’re holding onto and what is ready to be purged. Because the desires you have and what you’ve been working toward will be unveiled beyond the purge. 🌈 … If you’re willing… Continue reading Are you willing to surrender to the PURGE?

Beyond Your Edge

*CURRENTLY OPEN FOR ENROLLMENT* Three spaces available through 11/11/2024 An eight week portal for Empathic Entrepreneurs, Highly Sensitive Humans, and Consciousness Practitioners ready to breakfree from invisible limits that keep ideal clients from seeing them, their cash flow in feast and famine cycles, and fears that close down their voice, creativity, and expression. You’re ready… Continue reading Beyond Your Edge

Be a Unicorn

Be a Unicorn. You’re meant to stand out, cause waves, and ripple effects of change simply by being you.   – Your sensitivities are a gift. Yet, you’ve been taught to hide them. – Your genius triggered another’s “not enoughness” and you shut down. – You feel ‘too much’ and lost connection with your own… Continue reading Be a Unicorn

Confused? Here is what that is really about

You’re not confused; you’re scared shitless. You’re not confused about the leap you want to take. You’re afraid you won’t succeed. You’re not confused about the work you’re here to do. You’re afraid of what other people will think if they see these parts of you. You’re not confused about the course, the meetup, the… Continue reading Confused? Here is what that is really about