Shame. The paradigm is dissolving. All the feels.

Okay, now… Let me ask you… * Have you been feeling super challenged lately? * Has life been handing you more than you feel like you can handle? * Have you had a recent breakdown (or a few)? * Does it seem like everything is changing and you’re not sure what to do? Yep. Same.… Continue reading Shame. The paradigm is dissolving. All the feels.

Relationship Triggers, Mirrors… and what its all for

I did a live transmission on Facebook with my friend Jordan at his space – Heaven on Earth Healing Center – in Southington, Connecticut.  You can watch the replay here or click the picture. We had a conversation about Triggers, Mirrors, and the opportunities for growth, evolution, and healing life is presenting through them. We’re in profound energy… Take advantage of the opportunity!… Continue reading Relationship Triggers, Mirrors… and what its all for

Going next level you – outside your comfort zone

In this video, I speak about going beyond your comfort zone to the next level you, your life and where ALL the goodness is. Here is a full-length version – I took out the conversations I had with live attendees. I share several ways you subconsciously hold yourself back, what arises as you move past… Continue reading Going next level you – outside your comfort zone

Shifting beyond your shadow

Are there a couple of hard DECISIONS in front of you? Different paths and completely DIFFERENT possible outcomes available? NOT CLEAR what choice and it all feels pretty challenging? Is your heart feeling a little TORN from it all? You’re likely looking at those decisions and choices and wondering… ”What is important to me? What… Continue reading Shifting beyond your shadow

Do you worry about what other people think of you?

Do you worry about what people think about you? I’m not talking about the clothes you wear or your body shape or your messy hair… I’m talking about WHO YOU ARE. I’m talking about • the way you move about life, • what you believe in, • what is important to you, • how you… Continue reading Do you worry about what other people think of you?

You are not everybody’s cup of tea… Be yourself anyway

YOU ARE NOT EVERYBODY’S CUP OF TEA. And that’s ok. Be you anyway. Do you ruffle others feathers? Do people get triggered by you being you? I see you holding yourself back, hiding who you are, and squandering your gifts and talents because you – are worried about how others will feel if you fully… Continue reading You are not everybody’s cup of tea… Be yourself anyway

The Art of Being You

Are you feeling like something is ready to change?  Maybe you aren’t sure what the change is but, you know something needs to shift.  You feel it stirring within. Or maybe you know exactly what it is and want a Guide along your journey summoning forth that future self that already exists. It’s been quite… Continue reading The Art of Being You