The Online Store

Here is a link to my online store with all the current offerings. Offerings such as – meditations, at home self study courses, group courses, consultations, intuitive readings – by email, private mentorship. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter (to your right) to receive up to date information on courses and events.

The good stuff is outside your comfort zone

Are you really choosing what you say you want for yourself? Or is there an inner voice that pops in and tells you all the reasons you can’t have it, do it, be it? ⁣⁣⁣⁣I had one. ⁣⁣I called this survival aspect of myself the “problem creator”. ⁣⁣A while back I fired it. But, first… Continue reading The good stuff is outside your comfort zone

Do you believe change has to take a long time?

This client went from stuck at SINGLE for a long while to 2 dates in one week – in less than an hour. When you get to the core of what is malfunctioning, EVERYTHING can shift. Here’s the millions dollar question… Will you allow the shift? 😉#unfuckyourmind In this session, I did some heart healing with… Continue reading Do you believe change has to take a long time?

Subconscious STOP patterns

Are you aware of the pattern of where you stop yourself when it becomes uncomfortable? 🔥 Sure, you don’t want to keep putting your hand on a hot stove 🔥- that is going to cause damage. But, growth – it is uncomfortable AND it brings you closer to what you have asked for. Life is always for… Continue reading Subconscious STOP patterns

Seduction of survival consciousness

Survival consciousness is very seductive. It will seduce you into ‘safety’. It also pulls you away from the very things you say you want… Love, Weight loss, Money, Happiness, Pleasure, a Banging Business… It’s not that you are doing the things wrong…. It’s that underneath it all, the fear of having it is greater than… Continue reading Seduction of survival consciousness

When life gets hard

This morning I asked consciousness “what do you want me to know – for myself or to share with others?” I heard “Social media is the highlight reel”.⁣⁣“No Duh”, I’m thinking, “No big news there”. So I carry on with my morning. ⁣⁣Then I open Instagram and see another reality TV person died by suicide.… Continue reading When life gets hard

How survival mechanisms work

Fuck the spiritual bypassers. Fuck the law of attraction gas lighters. If you’ve had life events that have jacked your nervous system and created a mechanism to survive, you’re like a feral cat. ⁣⁣When the things you want come close to you but, triggers feelings of unsafety and vulnerability, you’re going to arch your back… Continue reading How survival mechanisms work

It’s not them, it’s you.

Do you know when you come across a mentor, coach, or healer and it’s like they are speaking directly to you? Your choice to work with them isn’t 100% about THEM being a match for you. Is much more about are YOU going to show up for YOU? No one else can do the work… Continue reading It’s not them, it’s you.

Are you willing to allow the experiences you say you want to have?

Are you willing to have a different experience? You say you want inner peace, health, romantic love, etc. but, something is in the way. Right?!? Deeply you know what you desire is possible but, why isn’t it happening for you? Because the change has to happen at the core of origination – beyond your thoughts… Continue reading Are you willing to allow the experiences you say you want to have?